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Initial Ideas

Before starting the project we did some mind maps in order to choose our final project idea. Below is my mind map that I created which included my other ideas for the final project. The 2 ideas that I had for my project was: a small game diorama including models from some of the games I play like league of legends, minecraft, grand theft auto etc. But the reason I didn't choose that was because I wasn't too confident working in 3d modelling engines as in the past we have worked with it and it never went too well for me.


The 2nd option I chose which is the one I went with was the 2d game. Since working in unreal engine i wanted to try get more into the game making industry behind the programming. So would I went with in the end was remastering the game we had previously made in the group project but in 2d form with some additional things to make it a lot better.


Strengths - Certain skills in unreal engine level design and development. Ability to learn new software. Able to work well as a team

Weaknesses - Time management, I plan on working on this during the final project. My punctuality can be an issue at times when it comes to being late to lessons. Struggle to organise things sometimes making it hard to find certain files needed for work.

Opportunities - Working with new software with this final project could give me more skills in order to expand my skillset for future employers. Could improve portfolio to attract potential work.

Threats - Lose of files due to technical issues, Being late to class or unable to attend, Another wave of Covid forcing us into another lockdown, Lack of motivation (this ties into time management and not over working myself.)

Contingency Plan

The reason for having a proposal form about this project is so that I can clearly and precisely show and explain to people what is it I wish to do for my project so they know what they can expect.

Screenshot 2022-03-03 120348.png

Proposal Form

The reason for having a proposal form about this project is so that I can clearly and precisely show and explain to people what is it I wish to do for my project so they know what they can expect.

Project Pitch

This was me pitching my idea for the final project to the class and explaining my whole idea, initial thoughts, final outcome and my planning (for the time). The reason for doing this is to build up our confidence in speaking and standing up in front of an audience as well as to possibly work on our body language skills when in certain places like job interviews or anything of the sort.

Gantt Chart

Below is an image of my created gantt chart. The reason we made one of these is because it is an easy and effective way or pre-planning our work before we get started working on it. This is to help us keep track of when we are doing things in order to not get overwhelmed with too much work at once and then getting bogged down in certain things and falling behind on other parts of the project.

gantt chart.png

Asset List

For the game i'm going to need a lot of assets to make the levels what I want them to be with sufficient detail and things to explore. Aswell as things to just make my game playable. I will use this part of the website to tick of things i've made as i have gone through.


  1. Level 2 tileset (beach)

  2. Misc items for level 2 (beach umbrella, sand castle, different key and hatch?)

  3. Pickups (coins)

  4. Menu Screens


Due to restrictions of time with the project my plans had to slightly change and I never got around to making a new tile set for the first real level, however I did make some newer things for it such as moving platforms and actually implementing the powerups I coded into the level to add a good variation of things in the level

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